
factadmin 24/06/2018

Iowa, US Five scientists are concentrating closely on a chicken, hoping that it will do something of interest. One scientist thought he saw the chicken do something an hour-or-so ago, but the other scientists did not see that thing happen. Scorn has been poured upon the mistaken scientist, and gravy may be poured on the […]

factadmin 12/03/2018

Washington, March 2018 New laws will require all students and teachers  at state-run schools to be armed. “It’s clear to us”, said some moron congressman, “…that the only way to stop a madman with a gun – is to ensure that anyone with functional arms who is with 250 feet of a state-run school – […]

factadmin 31/01/2018

Accordion to a recent university study, 93% of readers won’t notice if a word in a sentence has been replaced with a random musical instrument.

factadmin 29/01/2018

Liverpool UK, January, 2018 A generic scientist has put a bit of blue liquid in a test tube, then dipped a pipette in it, and is currently staring at the drop hanging from the end of the pipette. We anticipate results quite different to those recorded previously by a generic scientist who put a bit […]

factadmin 23/01/2018

Donald Trump has unilaterally decided to reduce the human gestationary period to 6 months in order that woman can ‘stop evading their workforce responsibilities’ and rejoin the group of tax-paying Americans whose contributions are desperately needed to shore up the finances of the poor down-trodden 1% By reducing the time to create a new life […]

factadmin 22/01/2018

President Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday morning about a new poll from Rasmussen, a polling company he often donates large sums of money to, that found approval over his job performance to be 79% from the US public. Trump also used the occasion to attack the dishonest media and the majority of polling institutions and […]